A Note About the Socials

I’m kind of against them.

Here’s the deal.

I, like most of you, had a robust set of social media accounts at one point. I started mostly because my job demanded it. But I also liked staying in touch with my ex-girlfriend from high school who actually apologized for “treating me very badly.” So that was pretty cool. But the more time I spent on them I realized that all the things that experts say about social media is actually true. I was fortunate enough to live in the San Francisco area for a number of years, working for a few different tech companies, and I befriended a number of people who work for Facebook (hard not to when you live and work on the peninsula). Well the rumors are all pretty much true. Facebook is led by a number of seriously misguided people who think that they have everyone’s best interest at heart. And social media really is bringing about the ruin of democracy, in-person social interaction, and hugely damaging to most teenagers, particularly women.

My recommendation to you, drop them all. Engage in life in a real and meaningful way.

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels